Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - 12:05 pm
Twenty-one MHS DECA members recently competed at the UW-Whitewater Mini-Conference.
This year's competition was held virtually because of the pandemic. Instead of doing a role play with the judge, students recorded themselves and gave their solutions to the problem at hand. The videos were then scored by the judges at a later date.
"I was glad UW-Whitewater was able to put together a modified competition. Since Districts in January will be virtual, this competition gave the students a way to prepare for that competition," MHS DECA chapter adviser Robert Hutchison said.
Students also took an online marketing exam at their home.
"Since there wasn't an awards session at UW-Whitewater this year, I did a Google slides presentation for the students during one of our Zoom meetings. It was neat because none of the students knew the results before the meeting," Hutchison said.
Students were able to pick up their medals and plaque at MHS at their convenience after the meeting, Hutchison said.
MHS medal winners included: Sneha Chandrashekar, Lucas de Leon Rosa, Grace DeCroix, Lindsay Gilge, Varsha Gouraram, Madeline Hutchison, Greta Jungbluth, Carter Kadow, Clay Kaufman, Rohan Kommuri, Madison Kosobucki, Amy Li, Karen Lu, Geoffrey Nelson, Zinnia Nie, Lauren Poehling, Poojha Prabahara Sundar, Jackson Rademacher, Nina Wakeham, Daphne Wu, and Xiaodong Zhang
Junior Daphne Wu was named Series Champion based on her overall score from both events.