Ricahrdson Award

Join us in congratulating our MHS Cross County coach, Coach Alexa Richardson on being selected as the 2022-2023 Wisconsin Cross Country Coaches Association's Wisconsin Cross Country Coach of the Year Award!

Coach Richardson has led Middleton to two straight WIAA Division 1 state titles.

We're so lucky to have Coach Richardson and her amazing leadership here at MHS!

From NFHS:

Alexa Richardson has been selected by the Wisconsin Cross Country
Coaches Association as the recipient of the 2022-23 NFHS Coaches
Association Cross Country Coach of the Year Award for Wisconsin.

Annually, the NFHS identifies and recognizes a coach from each state for
significant achievement in their sport. State level recipients are considered
for NFHS Sectional recognition. National Coaches of the Year are then
chosen from the sectional winners.

Award recipients are selected based upon a variety of criteria including their
coaching record, background, coaching honors, and involvement in
community and school organizations.

Each year approximately 1000 coaches are recognized at the state level, 168
coaches are recognized at the sectional level and 21 coaches are recognized
at the national level.

Wisconsin coaches are members of Section 4, which represents the states of
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

The mission of the NFHS Coaches Association is to enhance the professional
development of all high school sports coaches in order to improve
interscholastic athletics in America.

For further information regarding the NFHS please call 317-972-6900 or go
to www.nfhs.org.