Clipart image of a fruit basket

Middleton High School band and orchestra are holding their annual fruit sale to benefit these programs. The proceeds go into the band’s general fund. These funds supplement the music program by providing extra instrument instruction, opportunities to attend workshops, helping with the costs of participation in the state solo and ensemble contest, and providing summer scholarships for students to continue their music endeavors through the summer.

All orders are placed online. There is a place to list the student’s name who is getting credit for this order. You can also select if the student is delivering this to you or if you will be picking up on your own.

Don’t like fruit but want to support the music program?  You can donate directly to the band and orchestra, or purchase fruit and have it donated to Middleton Outreach Ministry. Donated fruit will be delivered for you, and you will receive a tax-deductible receipt. 

Place your order at:

Orders must be placed no later than November 14th and will be delivered to your door the week of December 11th.