Post-Secondary Planning

Financial Aid Planning


Completing the FAFSA is the first step in the college financial aid process. This is a required form for any student seeking federal aid including: grants, loans, scholarships and work study opportunities.

Complete the FAFSA at

The FAFSA is in the process of a revamp. It will be available sometime in December (date has not yet been release). While there is no deadline, many colleges require the information before providing your financial aid package so the sooner you complete it, the better.

This can be a complex application to complete so look for free FAFSA support sessions in the CSCS Senior Newsletter for help from the experts.

Other Financial Aid

There are many options for additional aid to make college affordable.

Here are some available Financial Aid Resources to help navigate questions around public and private loans, understanding your college financial aid letter, comparing and understanding loan options and FAQs for filling out the FAFSA.